About Us

In our everyday lives, there are many things we don't leave the house without. One of those things happens to be the ever elusive hair tie. As the designers of TUCK, we know how important it is to keep a hair tie around and how frustrating it is to have it on your wrist ruining your well styled accessories. But then you put it away… and all of a sudden its lost in the abyss of your purse, car, gym bag, you name it!  So we decided to do something about it. 


TUCK is the first unisex cuff bracelet that keeps your hair tie exactly where you want it: unseen and on your wrist.


O u r   m i s s i o n : 

to hide your hair tie, give you a beautiful place to put it, and make sure your circulation is never cut again.


TUCK by Koli is a sleek and minimalistic cuff designed with a unique functionality that one may not know existed when first looking at the bracelet. TUCK was designed to conceal the hair tie but keep it exactly where you want it: on your wrist. Ladies, and perfectly man-bunned gentlemen, rejoice.

B a s e d   i n   L o s   A n g e l e s
Designed in Los Angeles California by a creative architecture student, Koli Collective is striving to create products that make the every day parts of life a bit more beautiful, simple, and functional. After almost doubling their goal through crowdfunding on Kickstarter, Koli Collective is looking to roll out productions of TUCK as well as begin their journey to change the small but important things we do in our daily lives.
W a t c h   O u r   J o u r n e y